
Salman Khan is the founder of the Khan Academy, which is a one-man Internet venture that provides free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere in the world. His nearly 2500 plus videos on YouTube, have garnered over millions of views, and have received glowing testimonials from all over the world. Khan Academy is now the most popular open education k-12 education resource on the Internet and has been profiled on CNN, NPR, The PBS Newshour, Lehrer Hour, Future Talk, TedTalks and many others. Salman received the 2009 Microsoft Education Award at the Tech museum in San Jose, for using technology to benefit humanity. The Khan Academy has also been honored to receive a two million dollar award from Google for its incredible approach to teaching math through technology. His videos literally begin with 1+1 and move up to college level calculus and trigonometry. I'm slowly working my way through the Khan Academy from the basics. Should be an interesting ride, considering my fear of this topic of math. I've got major math anxiety and hope to overcome it through this approach. Check it out. Interested in hearing your thoughts about it too. 

Lesson 4- Addition 3:
Practice carrying digits to add multiple digit numbers

Lesson 5- Addition 4:
More practice carrying with multiple digit numbers

Basic Subtraction:
Introduction to subtraction

Subtraction 2:
Different ways to view subtraction

Subtraction 3: Introduction to Borrowing or Regrouping:
Introduction to borrowing and regrouping

Alternate mental subtraction method:
How I subtract in my head

Level 4 Subtraction:
Subtraction of multi-digit numbers involving borrowing

Why borrowing works:
An explanation of why (not how) borrowing/regrouping works when subtracting numbers

Subtracting decimals Subtracting decimal numbers